Halloween in Alaska

Halloween in Alaska can be a lot different than in the lower 48 states. Trick-or-treat, costumes, and lots of spooky good fun are still the main attraction. But special considerations like staying warm, watching out for wildlife, and navigating a tricky climate add a unique twist to this fun holiday. If you’re new to Halloween in Alaska, here’s a few guidelines that’ll keep you from ending up in a truly scary situation!

Alaska Halloween Rule #1: Stay Warm

Here in the Anchorage / Eagle River area it can get pretty cold this time of year, so it’s important to plan costumes that will keep you warm. Buy costumes several sizes too big to allow room for snow gear underneath. Or get creative and plan costumes that incorporate cold-weather gear like mummies, chubby garden gnomes, ninja turtles, mummies or anything warm and fuzzy like unicorns, teddy bears and pandas.

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