5 Tips for First-Time Alaskan Home Buyers

Are you ready to buy your first Alaskan home? There are many pivotal points in life that we consider part of ‘adulting’ and one of the main big purchases in our lives is our first home. There’s a lot that we aren’t taught growing up about buying our first home. This major milestone is full of benefits, but it’s important to get the facts and do your research first. Before you post your “First home” announcement on social media take the time to learn from those who came before you with a few tips.

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What to Expect When Moving to Alaska

There is nothing quite like living in Alaska. If you’ve decided to make Alaska your home, or you’re considering a move you’re in for a treat. Everyone’s experience is different, but you won’t really know until you go. There are many things people have already heard about Alaska, or think they know, and some things that might surprise you. These are a few things we thought we would share.

You really can become a bush person
If it’s always been your dream to live off the grid, you can make it a reality. There are plenty of people that have moved to Alaska with the same ambitions, and they’ve made it work. It’s important to remember that Alaskan winters are unforgiving, and you will need to be prepared. It can get expensive to live off the grid. Be prepared to spend some money investing in a power system such as a wind turbine or solar panels and battery backup systems. You will also be forced to adjust to a short growing season.

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7 Mistakes Homebuyers Should Avoid to Prevent Buyer’s Remorse

When buying your Alaskan home, your goal is to make sure you find the perfect home for yourself and make the right choices. There can be a lot to consider, especially as a first-time homebuyer. The home buying process can be both overwhelming and exhilarating at the same time. In a buyer’s market the rising rates have made the process feel even more chaotic and can make buyers feel rushed and frenzied. If you’re in the market to buy a home, there are 7 things you might want to avoid in order to not experience buyers’ remorse.

Avoid the FOMO trap
FOMO or the Fear of missing out, can cause a buyer to act impulsively and end up with regrets. This trap can leave you spending more than you can afford and becoming “house poor”. When we are “house poor” it means we must spend the majority of our funds on mortgage payments and related expenses. Don’t feel pressure to act, rather focus on your priorities. Keep your eye firmly fixed in reality and pay attention to your bottom line.

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