How to Lower your Alaskan Heating Bill this Winter – Part 2
As a homeowner, you’re always looking for ways to improve your home, save money on utilities and prevent costly repairs. In the first part of this article, we discussed 5 ways to reduce your heating bill. We realize our Alaskan winters can get very cold, and we want to keep our families warm and comfortable without breaking the bank. Here are a few more ways you can keep your home cozy while lowering your heating bill.
1. Snag a humidifier
Humidifiers are a great way to increase warmth without raising your heat bill. Water holds heat which is why we try to keep it out of our homes during the hot summer months. During the winter we want to capture that heat and put humidity into our air. If you keep your air moist it will feel warmer than dry air. This will allow you to keep your thermostat at a lower setting and reduce your heating bill as well as static electricity in the air.
2. Lower your thermostat
This might seem like the most obvious fix. Lowering your thermostat even a few degrees can save you tons of money. Even just 7 to 10 degrees lower will save you 10 percent annually. At nighttime people are known to sleep better in a colder room, so take advantage and turn down the temperature as low as you can handle. Make sure to lower your temperature if you’re at work or on vacation and not home to appreciate it. It is important to keep in mind that you don’t want to turn it off completely as this could lead to frozen or burst pipes.
Renters don’t have as much freedom to adjust energy controls, but you could check with your landlord and see if you can have your unit controlled separately or make improvements when possible. As a homeowner, you might consider investing in a smart thermometer that will adjust the temperature automatically.
3. Check for air leaks
It’s important that your home’s insulation is working well. You will know if you have an insulation problem if snow melts quickly off your roof and creates icicles. An upgrade will save you lots of money long term. Take the time to inspect your home for drafts around windows, electrical and cable outlets, pipes, and doors. Draft blockers and outlet sealers are inexpensive and can fix these problem areas. Your window and door stripping should be inspected and replaced if needed. Sealing cracks can save you 15% on heating costs.
4. Cover your windows
30% of your heat is lost through windows. If your windows are old or warped, it’s important to get them replaced. Thermal curtains, or floor-length window curtains can help block cold air from entering and heat from escaping. We understand that winter can be dark and cold enough, so if you don’t want to sacrifice light, you can use Low-E window film to add insulation without sacrificing light.
5. Check your fireplace
Hire a professional to make sure that your chimney is properly sealed. If you aren’t using a fireplace, make sure to close the flue and damper to prevent hot air escaping. This also prevents pests and cold air from entering.
These are just a few ways you can improve your home and save money on your heating bill. If you’re looking to buy or sell a home here in Alaska, we are happy to help.