Living a Smaller Life can be Beneficial – How?

Simplifying your life doesn’t have to be a ‘someday’ goal anymore. In years past many used to think that once the kids were grown, they could downsize. Today, a growing number of people are realizing that they can start living small now. Downsizing your home doesn’t mean you’re deprived, or have less, in fact it can mean that you actually gain more, but how?

Think Small

Owning a home, is the dream, but it may feel like it’ll never be feasible for you financially. It might be time to do a reality check and see if perhaps small-space living might be the solution for you. If you can be content with less space, you could make your dreams of owning a home a reality sooner than you may think. Many homeowners of tiny homes don’t have a high mortgage compared to other homeowners. While a tiny home may not be suited to everyone’s needs, could you eliminate or lower your mortgage by simply buying a smaller home? A smaller home will bring less upkeep, less utilities and less daily chores. What would you do with all that extra time? Maybe spend more time in our beautiful Alaskan outdoors?

Remove things that don’t spark joy

A well-known book and tv show, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, was on the right track. De-cluttering your life can bring the biggest improvement, and it’s so simple. Going through your belongings and removing anything that you don’t need or love will make sure that everything that you bring into your new space, or leave in the existing, will bring you pleasure.

Remove any furniture or pieces that are space suckers. Your real estate agent can help you measure your new space and make sure the items you choose to keep fit the dimensions of your new, smaller home. By clearing superfluous items, you’ll have the ability to move comfortably throughout your space.

Along with furniture, you should also pay attention to everyday items. Go through your home and take inventory of things that you were going to use ‘someday’ and that someday still hasn’t come. Don’t let your items shame you for not taking the time to do the stuff that you think you are ‘supposed’ to do. Instead of focusing on what you haven’t had time for, you can surround yourself with the things you enjoy in the present, and the essentials.

Maximize your Space

As humans, we quickly adapt and fill any space that we are given. You’ll probably start to realize that your tiny space can easily become crowded. Try to enter into this smaller living style with the goal of maximizing your space. Make it a personal challenge to be creative and find space-saving ways to organize and fully utilize the space you have without cluttering. By organizing to fit your needs and your lifestyle, you can keep things practical and simple. Simplifying your life will allow you to focus time on the things that really matter. You can own your own home, while spending more time living the life that you love, with those you care about, and not stressing over keeping up with an extensive to-do list and financial stress. The benefits of small living stretch beyond the financial and into mental and emotional happiness as well.

If you’re considering exploring the option of a smaller space in the Anchorage, Eagle River, Wasilla and the Mat-Su Valley we are happy to help! Just contact us at 907-694-4800.

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