How to refresh your rental property for Spring

As winter is nearing its end and spring approaches, we’re all looking forward to a little extra sunshine. After a cold winter, the change in seasons inspires us to take part in the yearly ritual of spring cleaning! In the Anchorage and Eagle river area we have worked together with a lot of rental properties and know how to be proactive in keeping your properties fresh and damage free. Here’s a handy checklist you can follow:

Spring rental property checklist:

  1. Eradicate Moisture: Moisture is the enemy inside your rental. Increased humidity can lead to mold and musty smells. Heavy rain can lead to dampness in your basement or attic and occasionally cause small puddles to form. Use a dehumidifier to dry it out and prevent mold.
  2. Check Foundation Vents: These screens catch leaves, trigs and other debris. Clean them by hand or with a shop vacuum.
  3. Inspect the Roof: Keep an eye out for any signs of potential roof issues, by checking the interior for water stains, cracks or settling of foundation walls. On the exterior check for missing or curled shingles, pitted or rusted flashing, cracked caulk around skylights, pipe collars or other roof penetrations.
  4. Clean the Gutters: Winter storms often leave gunk in the downspout. Force it out with a garden hose to avoid leaky roof or water damage.
  5. Landscaping: This can include lawn maintenance such as lawn aeration and fertilization Be sure to clear any debris and unstable branches that could cause property damage. You should also pay attention to any pruning needs, especially for flowering trees.
  6. Take care of Insect or Rodent Problems – If your tenant informs you of a situation be on top of it as soon as possible to avoid an infestation. One way to prevent pests and rodents that are attracted to food and other garbage is to keep trash out of sight and bagged tight.
  7. Inspect Common Areas: Make sure that light fixtures, hand railings and banisters are in working condition and free of hazards. Patios, hallways, and other areas should be free of any debris or trash.
  8. Check Weather Stripping: Check the weather stripping on all doors and replace if needed.
  9. Change Furnace Filters: Regular maintenance will reduce the need for expensive repairs in the future and make sure that the system is running at top performance.
  10. Smoke Detector and Carbon Dioxide Detectors: Test all safety devices and make sure that they are installed correctly and in the correct areas. Replace the batteries.

Why is rental property maintenance important?

By law landlords are required to make sure that their properties meet certain health and safety standards and are livable. Basic utilities, such as plumbing, electricity, and heating must be kept in working order. It also builds trust with your tenants and demonstrates concern for their safety and wellbeing.


If you have questions about property management or how our services can help you in the Anchorage, Palmer, Eagle River, or Wasilla areas, please contact us at 907-694-4800.

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